If you want something
done right, call us.

Our Answering Service Agents
are on the job 24/7.

Plans & Pricing

Support your way.

As much as you try, you can’t be everywhere and do everything yourself to make your business successful.
Since you can’t create another you, the next best thing is Elation Answering Service.

We provide the support your business
needs, the way you want.

That includes:
• Answering calls—returning customers greeted by name
• Screening new-business calls
• Scheduling appointments
• Performing various back-office business support functions

We operate a secure facility. Our staff is made up of experienced professionals. We maintain high levels of quality control and confidentiality. In other words, we handle your business like you handle your business. That’s the only way we know how.

Your customers want to be remembered6

30%want you to remember previous interactions

27%appreciate followup to make sure they’re satisfied

20%want to be greeted by name when they call

6Forbes, 2019

Learn more about plans/pricing.